When an existing roof succumbs to weather, age, or the unfortunate result of sub-par materials and craftsmanship, roof replacement becomes necessary. As you know re-roofing your home is a major investment and we want to help you with the re-roofing process.
8 Things to Look For During a Roof Replacement
- When selecting the type of roofing material you would like to replace your old roof with, make sure it is a top quality roofing material from a well-known manufacturer. Manufacturer warranties vary, but you do want to make sure they cover defects of any kind in the material. Damage resulting from faulty roofing material can be devastating to your home.
- Make sure that the roofing contract from the roofing contractor includes a tear-off of the old roof to the decking. Also, that an inspection of the decking and any repairs needed to put the roof back into its full integrity.
- Once tear-off and repairs are made, look for drip edge to be installed around the perimeter of the roof. The drip edge prevents any rain or water from backing up under the roof surface.
Drip Edge
- This next item is very important and is sorely missed. This is where you can tell the experts from the back of the truck – Ice & Water Shield. With our cold Tennessee winters and ice build-up, ice and water shield applied over the roof deck prevents moisture build-up and is a huge key factor in the elasticity of your roof.
- Ice and Water shield is offered as an upgrade with some roofing contractors. Do not let that deter you for asking to use a quality felt underlayment in place of.
- Next, metal flashings are placed in the valleys and around the chimney areas.
- Ridge vents are then installed to provide attic ventilation while protecting the roof replacement. Caps will complete the look of the new roof and provide extra protection to the ridge vents.
- Lastly, without a doubt, make sure the roofing contractor cleans up during and after the job is completed. That means your landscape is left the way it was found and the outlining of your home is free of nails and other debris.
They say knowledge is power. We believe having knowledge about what to expect went it comes to roof replacement gives you the power to make the best decision. When you begin to receive roofing estimates for your Nashville roof replacement it should detail these steps to exceed the life of a new shingle, metal, or slate roof.
If you pondering the thought of your home needing a new roof, don’t wait any longer and give us a call at (615) 452-0161. Our roofing experts will provide a free estimate giving you the best options with details of what we can do to make your roof replacement go as smooth as possible. Let us get it done for you and done right the first time!